Get To Know The Culture Of The Amish People

Published on February 20, 2022

What About Arranged Marriages?

While most people might think that Amish people find their spouses through arranged marriages, this is actually not the case at all. As previously mentioned, both adults must be first baptized in order to be allowed to marry. Marrying outside of the faith is strictly prohibited as well. Amish people are allowed to choose who they marry, and often courtship involves a young man transporting a young woman he is interested in to and from Sunday worships or singings.

What About Arranged Marriages?

What About Arranged Marriages?

They Are Multilingual

The majority of Old Order Amish speak Pennsylvania Dutch. “Dutch” doesn’t refer to the Dutch language but rather an endonym of Deitch, from Pennsylvania German. The members of the Pennsylvania Dutch continued using this name in order to further distinguish themselves from other German immigrants who game to the United States after 1830. Nearly all Amish are bilingual, speaking both Pennsylvania Dutch and English.

They Are Multilingual

They Are Multilingual