Girl Who Can’t Feel Pain Battles Insurance Company

Published on October 15, 2019

What Are Her Plans?

Of course, being a teenager is never easy. When you add a rare condition to the mix, it can get downright ruthless. She’s been in the same school district with most of the same people, so it’s not as bad. Her classmates know her and like her. The teachers think that she is a great student. Gabby is always trying to learn new things, such as playing the saxophone. With that said, she’s got a lot of big dreams that she’d like to take on, but are they possible?

Saxophone Like Gabby Played

Saxophone Like Gabby Played

Her One Desire

Just because you don’t feel pain doesn’t mean you don’t get hurt. Gabby’s father, Steve, has excellent insurance, but it doesn’t cover everything she needs. Her one desire is to have a full set of top and bottom teeth. Remember, hers had to be removed permanently so that she didn’t continue biting her tongue and fingers. Now, she’s grown up and almost an adult. She’d like to have teeth so that she can eat what she wants and feel ‘normal.’

Gabby Looking At Her Senior Picture

Gabby Looking At Her Senior Picture