Is This Kid from Mars? Scientists Might Agree that He is…

Published on November 10, 2019

Presidential Pressure

We are closer to getting to Mars than ever before. Even just a few decades ago, the thought of going to Mars seemed impossible to most, but it is now within our grasp. Alyssa may just get her wish after all. In 2017, Donald Trump officially assigned NASA with a new goal. The goal is to get humans to Mars by 2033. A week after being given this goal, NASA revealed its 5-phase plan to make this happen.

Trump Signs The Order

Trump Signs The Order 

Still a Long Way Off 

NASA admits that, while it has a plan, there is still a lot of research and development to be done. There are also biological studies to be done to determine the effects of living on another planet on the human body. We already know that exposure to zero gravity can cause muscle atrophy, so precautions must be taken to ensure the health of the crew.

Prolonged Exposure To Zero Gravity Can Cause Muscle Atrophy

Prolonged Exposure To Zero Gravity Can Cause Muscle Atrophy