Is This Kid from Mars? Scientists Might Agree that He is…

Published on November 10, 2019

The Entire Civilization was Wiped Out

According to Boris, the entire Martian civilization was wiped out due to their increasing use and reliance on technology. Ultimately, he says, he is trying to prevent mankind from succumbing to the same fate. We can all see what a desolate wasteland Mars is today, and Boris claims to have an explanation. The question is, is his warning enough to save us?

Boris Is Trying To Prevent Our Destruction

Boris Is Trying To Prevent Our Destruction

Nuclear Disaster Strikes

According to Boris, at the height of the war on Mars, nuclear weapons were used. He claims that this was the cause of the destruction on Mars. Boris says that even the brightest minds on Mars were not able to prevent nuclear disaster and that it eventually led to the extinction of the Martian species. It also left Mars the uninhabitable wasteland that it is today.

Nuclear War Destoryed Mars

Nuclear War Destroyed Mars