Is This Kid from Mars? Scientists Might Agree that He is…

Published on November 10, 2019

Boris Still Has Hope

Boris does not see humanities’ fate as hopeless. On the contrary, he still believes that we have time to change our course and save ourselves from nuclear disaster. The problem, according to Boris, is politicians and dictators that are always looking for ways to increase their own power, even at the expense of human lives. He said this is the same mentality that led to the destruction of Mars.

It May Not Be Too Late

It May Not Be Too Late

The Key is in the Sphinx

The key to humanities’ survival, according to Boris, is located inside of the Great Sphinx of Giza. Boris claims that the answer to all of our questions is located inside of the Sphinx, and all that we have to do is open it. This, however, will not prove easy. Boris says that there is a specific method that must be used to open it, otherwise obtaining the information is impossible.

The Fate Of Humanity Is Inside

The Fate Of Humanity Is Inside