Top 40 Worst Hairstyle’s Ever Created

Published on November 3, 2019

Rat Tail

Rats are not the most beloved creature in the world, putting fear in the minds of many. Often thought of as vermin, pests, and decease-ridden, most opt to hunt down and eradicate these poor mammals. Carrying one around can almost ensure people stay away from you. Having one as a hairstyle can make you into a walking human repellant. From far away, it could be hard to make out what the image could be. Up close, you may end up inviting people to attack the back of your head.

Rat Hairstyle With Tail

Rat Hairstyle With Tail

The Scream

Most people are familiar with the famous painting, The Scream, created by the famous artist, Edvard Munch in the 1890s. There have been many copies and renditions of the painting, most of them being extremely well made. Then you get attempts like this, attempts that ooze mockery of the artist and his work. The ingenuity with a razor to create such a thing is the only compliment that one can give. Munch must be rolling over in his grave.

Portrait Haircut

Portrait Haircut