Miracle Baby Moses Rescued from Certain Death

Published on November 3, 2019

What Happened

When the owners were finally fed up with hearing their dog bark, they headed outside to see what he was going so crazy about. As it turned out, the dog was actually barking in order to raise and alarm and get their attention. When they approached the scene, they noticed that there was a baby’s arm sticking out of the dirt where Ping Pong was digging. He was trying to rescue an infant, so the man jumped into action to help his dog.

Rescued Newborn Baby

Rescued Newborn Baby


Thanks to Ping Pong, the tiny baby was rushed to the hospital fast enough and ended up being given a perfect bill of health. Officials later found out that a teenage mother of only 15 years old had attempted to bury the baby boy alive. Ping Pong was the only one who actually noticed what happened and helped to find the boy before the attempt actually succeeded. The hospital remarked that the boy was saved just in the nick of time.

Locals Searching In Field

Locals Searching In Field