Pregnant Woman Bitten by a Snake Late in Her Pregnancy

Published on October 23, 2019

What Was Her Decision?

No one could know what they’d do in a situation like that, but Angie never even faltered. She chose to risk her own life for that of her unborn baby. Immediately, she told the doctors to get ready for the emergency C-section. Her husband, though worried, was in complete agreement with his wife. They tried to prepare themselves mentally for what was in store, but that was impossible because they’d never experienced it before.

Pregnant Woman's Belly Next To A Snake

Pregnant Woman’s Belly Next To A Snake

That Wasn’t a Foolproof Choice, Either

Though Angie and Colby wanted the baby out of the womb so he would be safe, the doctors were more focused on whether or not their child could live outside his mother. For one, he would be one month early, and his lungs might not be fully developed. He’d have to be on a breathing machine, and no one could predict how long that would be. That wasn’t the only problem to consider!

Baby On A Ventilator

Baby On A Ventilator