Pregnant Woman Bitten by a Snake Late in Her Pregnancy

Published on October 23, 2019

How the Family Is Doing Now

Of course, that wasn’t the end of the trauma for the family. Corbin was born alive, but he had a few issues. Primarily, this little bundle of joy was born four weeks too early, which means his body wasn’t quite capable of living outside the womb. For another, the poison working through his mother’s body affected him somewhat. Baby Corbin had to be on a ventilator for a few days, but he was finally healthy enough to go home.

Baby Born At 36 Weeks

Baby Born At 36 Weeks

Angie Isn’t the Only One

Though the doctors in her hometown weren’t sure what to do for a pregnant woman bitten by a poisonous snake, that doesn’t mean it never happens. While rare, another woman faced a similar issue after she was bit by a snake at a swimming spot by a water moccasin. Kingsland, TX is well-known for its walking trails around The Slab, and Kamri Thompson has walked it about a hundred times, according to her.

Kamri Thompson With Her Daughter

Kamri Thompson With Her Daughter