You Won’t Believe These Stunning Celebrity Children at the Same Age as Their Parents

Published on December 1, 2019

Jerry Stiller’s Legacy

While Jerry Stiller did have a successful career before Seinfeld, he is best known for his role as Frank Constanza, father of perpetually lonely, yet always dating George Costanza. In his later age, it is difficult to see the resemblance with his son Ben, but we have yet to see what Ben will look like when he reaches that same age.

Jerry Stiller As Frank Costanza

Jerry Stiller As Frank Costanza

Jaden Smith and Will Smith – Age 18

Sorry Jaden, you are not as big of a deal as your father was at your age. That being said, Jaden Smith is no slouch. He has followed in his father’s footsteps and become an actor and musician. As for Will Smith, he has not been idle and still plays the role of an action hero. You would never have guessed that Will Smith, the goofy kid from Fresh Prince would go on to be an action star, but here we are.

Jaden And Will Smith

Jaden And Will Smith