Firefighters are Stunned When They Realize What They’ve Saved

Published on July 18, 2021

Running Out of Time

Because the animals were likely babies, this meant that they were probably tiny, and easily affected by the colder weather. In addition, they may need the milk from their mother for sustenance, which they obviously wouldn’t be getting down there. If they had only just been born recently, they’d need these important things as soon as possible. If the woman called any later, they may not have heard any sounds at all. The thought of the animals fighting for their lives made them work faster.


A Short Timeline

Opening the Lid

The firefighters had to use some strong equipment to lift the sewer grate from its place. One of the first things they did was prepare for an animal to leap out at them. Although it was a deep sewer, an animal that was fully-grown may have reacted quickly and tried to jump out. Without knowing what kind of creature they were dealing with, they had to make sure they kept a safe distance from the entry point.


Taking a Peek