Firefighters are Stunned When They Realize What They’ve Saved

Published on July 18, 2021

A Cold Place

Not surprisingly, the sewer drain was deep, dark, and cold. It was certainly no place for any animal, and the cold Colorado weather made it that much worse! No matter what kind of animal was down there, the firefighters wanted to act quickly. If the animals had been in there for a long time, there was no telling how much longer they could manage to survive. The team got to work on opening up the sewer grate from the road.


A Dark Place

A Small Space

The grate itself that was protecting the manhole had very small openings in it. Since it was the only way for the animals to get in, the firefighters had to assume that these creatures were quite small. In addition, the cries that they could hear down below sounded small and high-pitched. Was it babies that they were dealing with? Based on the process of elimination, it had to be. This meant they had to work even faster.


A Tricky Entrance