Firefighters are Stunned When They Realize What They’ve Saved

Published on July 18, 2021

Midnight Plan 

Even though it wasn’t exactly necessary for the firefighters to watch for the mother, they couldn’t let the babies suffer anymore. The babies were fairly exposed, which could make them prey to larger animals. In the end, the babies were only put out in shifts, and the staff acted as a type of protection that watched them from afar. This way, they could be sure that it was the mother that found them, and not another animal.

An Urban Fox Forages At Dawn In London

No Sign yet

No Sign 

For several nights, the team watched and waited for the mother fox to come back. At first they had been feeling positive, but now it seemed like it was all a lost cause. The mother fox hadn’t been spotted for days, and she wasn’t coming around at night. The team assumed that she either had no idea where the babies had gotten to, or perhaps she had faced a terrible fate. These babies didn’t have their mother to care for them anymore.


Missing Mother