Firefighters are Stunned When They Realize What They’ve Saved

Published on July 18, 2021

Plan B  

It was pretty clear after a few days outside that the mother fox wasn’t coming back for her kits. It was sad, but the firefighters weren’t about to leave these guys out in the cold again. Instead, they gathered up the animals and took them to The Animal Clinic of Woodland Park. Here, the baby foxes could be taken care of, until they were old enough to be released into the wild on their own. It was the best option for them at this point.


To the Clinic

The Clinic

This clinic was special, because it took in wild animals of all shapes and sizes. The professionals there would work with the animals one-on-one, making sure they were getting healthier, and learning how to be self-sustaining. This meant teaching them to find food, how to protect themselves, and how to socialize. The process would take as long as necessary, until the animals were sufficient enough to survive on their own. It could be a long journey for the foxes, but it would be worth it.


A Safe Place