Firefighters are Stunned When They Realize What They’ve Saved

Published on July 18, 2021

Just Babies 

The good news for these foxes, was that they were young. Had they been older, they would have already learned behaviours that would have to be un-learned. Instead, these little guys were ready to soak up all of the knowledge they could, so that they could perform properly in the wild. They had zero expectations going into the course, so the trainers were sure that they would do just fine. This was good news to the firefighters!


Back to the Wild

One for the Books

In all of the years that the firefighters had been working, they had never come across a situation like this. In most cases, animals were very clearly a certain type of breed, and they never guessed wrong! Clearly, none of them had been around kits enough to know that they looked like puppies! It was a learning experience for everyone, and a pretty funny story that none of them would ever forget. The team would later retell the entire thing to their comrades at the station.

