Firefighters are Stunned When They Realize What They’ve Saved

Published on July 18, 2021


The men and women on the truck went over their protocol for dealing with animals. By doing so, it was more likely that both the humans and the animals involved would remain safe. All that they knew at this point was that there were multiple animals, and that they were in some kind of trouble. Since the woman couldn’t see the creatures now, there was a good chance they were stuck somewhere. The team arrived at the scene and piled out of the truck.


Arriving On Scene

The Sewers

The firefighters arrived and met with the woman who had called them. She brought them to the area where she could hear the animals, and explained everything that had happened thus far. The woman was standing beside a large storm drain. She told them that if they listened closely, they would be able to hear the animals down below. They were crying, and sounded very distressed. The firefighters were grateful that it wasn’t the rainy season, else these creatures surely would have washed away by now.


The Sewer Situation