Firefighters are Stunned When They Realize What They’ve Saved

Published on July 18, 2021

A Crowd

The area had already gained a few curious viewers, and they too were standing by the sewers talking about what should be done. Now that the fire department was here though, a larger crowd started to gather. When people see a fire truck, they often assume it’s because of a fire or someone in a dangerous situation. However, this time around, people were confused as to why the team was simply standing around a drain.


Too Many People

Back It Up

The firefighters could see the crowd growing, but this was the opposite of what they wanted. They didn’t want the animals in the sewer to hear all of the ruckus above and somehow escape further down the sewer! They wanted the animals to stay in one place. The being said, all of the people were told to clear out, and to go about their regular business. They were saving some animals, and there was nothing else to be done.


Making Room