40 Times The Internet Solved Our Problems

Published on October 20, 2019

A Big Bowl Of Nope

The squishy, green thing is called a Spiny Oak Caterpillar. They are venomous and can leave a severe burning sensation upon contact. Although they are pretty unpleasant to look at, they don’t usually have those yellow cylindrical tubes on their backs. This particular caterpillar had the misfortune of coming across a Braconid Wasp. These parasitic wasps lay their eggs inside other insects. The larvae feed off the host insect and eventually emerge from inside their host to create cocoons on the insects’ back.

Infected Spiny Oak Caterpillar

Infected Spiny Oak Caterpillar

Disgusting Ball of Phlegm  With Tentacles

Cedar Apple Rust is the name of the alien-looking mass below. It is a fungus that grows on a variety of trees, including Junipers, Apple, and Cedars, from which it gets its name. During most of the year, they appear as only red-orange spots on leaves, occasionally growing tiny spores. It is only during the spring months after an abundance of rain does this fungus swell to massive sizes. Their spores are carried by the wind to infect other trees.

Cedar Apple Rust

Cedar Apple Rust