Turtle Born with Exposed Heart

Published on October 13, 2019

Turtles and Age

Turtles are known for having immense staying power compared to a lot of animals. In fact, some people believe that they could live forever if they were not killed by disease or being crushed. This is because turtles do not die of old age as other animals do. This is because a turtle doesn’t change much internally with time. This is the reason that its internal organs, such as its liver, look almost identical at the adolescent stage as they do much later in life.

An Old Turtle

An Old Turtle

Turtle Shells and Insect Wings

When you think of things that look similar in the animal kingdom, turtle shells and insect wings probably do not strike you as the most obvious pairing. However, there is a similarity there that you may not have noticed. On a turtle’s shell, you can see regular hexagons in the center. These are bound by pentagons, which fuse to give a uniformed look to the shell’s edge. Insect wings also have this feature, which gives them the same kind of look.

Turtle Shell

Turtle Shell