Turtle Born with Exposed Heart

Published on October 13, 2019

The Bond

Mike says that he and Hope have established a strong bond in the time he has been taking care of her. To no one’s surprise, he feels like they do their bonding most when he’s feeding her. Apart from just the food, Hope has become sensitive to Hope’s patterns. Not only does she react when he puts his face against her aquarium, but she also reacts to his getting home. She continues to grow and thrive, and it’s as if she’s expressing gratitude to him for it.

Mike Feeding Hope

Mike Feeding Hope

The Beating Heart

There are pictures and videos available that depict just how Hope’s heart looks and behaves. Mike likens the look of her heart to that of a raisin. To him, as the heart beats, it looks as if there is a raisin that lies beneath a piece of gum. This “raisin” seems as if it is trying to inflate itself but is being prevented by some external force. The color and shape of Hope’s heart, plus the look it has in motion, are clear indicators of why Mike has this perception.

Hope’s Heart

Hope’s Heart