Turtle Born with Exposed Heart

Published on October 13, 2019

The Buried Softshell Turtle

The Asian Softshell Turtle sees the world for only five percent of its lifetime. This is because it spends the other 95% unseen. These turtles are found in river sand, and when they seem to disappear, they are submerged under said sand. Additionally, they stay there motionless, so it’s hard to tell that they are even present. Twice a day, these turtles come to the surface to take a breath, and this is the only time they can be seen.

The Buried Softshell Turtle

The Asian Softshell Turtle sees the world for only five percent of its lifetime. This is because it spends the other 95% unseen. These turtles are found in river sand, and when they seem to disappear, they are submerged under said sand. Additionally, they stay there motionless, so it’s hard to tell that they are even present. Twice a day, these turtles come to the surface to take a breath, and this is the only time they can be seen.

Asian Softshell Turtle

Asian Softshell Turtle

Alternative Breathing Methods of Turtles

Turtles can do some amazing things, and one of them is the ability to breathe through their hind ends. Different turtles can do this to different degrees, and some do not do it at all. Sitting elsewhere on the spectrum is the Rheodytes Leukops turtle, which breathes in most of its air this way. These turtles can take in 68% of their air requirements via the cloacal bursae. This means that they do not breathe in a traditional manner, and they rarely need to surface for air.

Rheodytes Leukops

Rheodytes Leukops