Woman Miraculously Awakes from a Coma

Published on October 15, 2019

A Coma Can Introduce New Speech Abilities

When someone wakes up from a coma, there is no telling what state he/she is in. Some effects may not even be discovered until a long time has passed. Speech is one thing that is commonly altered after a coma has passed. However, this effect is not always a loss of ability to speak clearly. Some patients wake up with a foreign accent, which is strange enough. However, others pick up an entirely new language that they did not know prior to entering the coma. Reuben Nsemoh is the best example as he awoke speaking Spanish fluently.

Reuben Nsemoh

Reuben Nsemoh

A Coma Can Cause an Identity Crisis

Many people have imagined living the life of a Hollywood celebrity. Some have even impersonated said celebrities for a spot of fun. However, not many people can say that they truly believed themselves to be someone else. This is what happened to Rory Curtis, a British native. He suffered major brain trauma and genuinely believed that he was Matthew McConaughey. His concerns first began to mount upon looking in the mirror and not seeing McConaughey’s face as his reflection.

Rory Curtis

Rory Curtis