People Who are Not Having Their Best Days Ever

Published on November 17, 2019

Titanic Fail 

The movie, Titanic, was created in the year 1997. It starred Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. It was hailed one of the greatest romance movies of its time, with many trying to recreate its most iconic scene. This moment probably started off as a romantic gesture, until a bird decided to crash-land into this woman’s face, ruining the recreation. The bird probably wasn’t a massive fan of the movie, which is understandable. Not everyone likes drama or romance. The bird must be an action or horror fan.

A Bird Attacking A Woman's Face

A Bird Attacking A Woman’s Face

Boat Overboard

People spend most of their lives saving up for the lavish commodities that are usually hard to achieve in life. A boat is thought of as a staple of wealth and prestige. Most people who buy boats want to show off, and to have it completely submerged underwater is a devastating blow. The men look a bit distraught as they ponder possible ways to fish the boat out of the water. Hopefully, it won’t cost more than the ship itself to rescue it.

Boat Underwater

Boat Underwater