People Who are Not Having Their Best Days Ever

Published on November 17, 2019

A Door, Separated

Car manufacturers try to put as much effort as they can into modeling a car, making it the best quality possible. Most are usually in excellent condition, only having minute problems every several years. It is unknown how long this person had the car, but the manufacturer who made it didn’t bother to check if the door was completely secure. Most never get to see what the skeletal insides of their car look like; this person can scratch that off their bucket list.

Broken Door

Broken Door

Cracked Egg 

The last thing anyone wants is to go into work on a day they really didn’t want to, only to have something astronomically horrible happen that makes the day a living hell. Most people work at places they hate, and this situation probably didn’t make it better. You can tell by the man’s face that he wants the day to end as quickly as possible. Anyone would hate to have to clean up that mess.

Broken Eggs

Broken Eggs