People Who are Not Having Their Best Days Ever

Published on November 17, 2019

Painted into a Corner

This situation is worse than mopping yourself into a corner and waiting for the water to dry. What’s worse is that most paint takes around six to seven hours to dry. That man clearly didn’t think this through; he should have painted himself into a bigger spot, at least then he’d be able to sit and be a lot more comfortable for his seven-hour wait. Maybe next time, he can construct a better plan for painting.

Painter On Roof

Painter On Roof

And Then They Came Tumbling Down 

For those who had the fortune of attending a summer camp as a kid would most likely report on good times. Daily activities with counselors, hiking through the woods, making new friends, all highlights of a summer spent well. For these poor unfortunate souls, their experience turned into a nightmare. The bridge they assumed was sturdy to walk across gave way, plummeting them to the ground. Some try to hold on the worn-down wood, while others aren’t so lucky.

People Falling Off A Bridge

People Falling Off A Bridge