People Who are Not Having Their Best Days Ever

Published on November 17, 2019

No Money Blues

We’ve all been there, wanting to experience life and explore the world when we only have a torn five-dollar bill, a few coins, and a button to our name. The contents of this person’s pocket entirely sum up the sadness one feels after splurging on fast food and Justin Timberlake albums, only to realize all of the money for personal entertainment is now sitting the cash registers of nameless stores. This picture hits us all on a personal level.

Person With Coins

Person With Coins

Mama Mia, Not the Pizza!

Pizza is an American favorite for celebrations, parties, and many other festivities. This person just wanted to sit down and enjoy one of the few foods on Earth that could cure a grumpy old man of his get-off-my-lawn syndrome. Unfortunately, bad luck struck and decided to ruin his day, and instead of letting him enjoy life’s greatest invention. The biggest crime in this photo may be the fact that most of the toppings look to be picked from the pizza.

Pizza Spill

Pizza Spill