Photos to Make You Reconsider Cruise Booking

Published on October 30, 2019

How You Imagine the Weather

The weather is a big part of any cruise. When you’re thinking of booking a cruise, one of the things you undoubtedly consider is the weather around the time of your cruise. You may not be inclined to head out onto the sea during an active hurricane season, for example. When you check out cruise offerings, all the pictures you see help to influence a decision to purchase a ticket. Doesn’t everyone want to enjoy a cruise in warm sunny weather?

Cruise Ship Under Sunny Skies

Cruise Ship Under Sunny Skies

The Real Weather 

This should be a no-brainer, but somehow the glowing images cause people to forget how the weather works. There is no way to exercise control over it, so if rain is in the cards, there’s no stopping it. Just bear in mind that it is very likely for you to get rained on during your cruise. Considering many of the activities are outdoor, the rain can all but ruin what should be a good time. Have a look at the forecast before you make a booking.

Rain During A Cruise

Rain During A Cruise