Photos to Make You Reconsider Cruise Booking

Published on October 30, 2019

How You Imagine the Pool

The pool is one of the biggest attractions on any cruise. In fact, there are some people who don’t use any of the other attractions but the pool. You may think that traveling on water reduces the attraction to the water on the ship, but that’s not the case. A pool can never truly lose its appeal, and even you probably look forward to jumping in for a cool and relaxing time. The picture below is enough for you to want to jump in and stay there.

Gorgeous Cruise Ship Pool Setup

Gorgeous Cruise Ship Pool Setup

The Pool Experience You Get

While the quality of the pool is not usually much different from what you imagine, the feelings you imagined are not the ones you are likely to feel. Instead of relaxation and peace, you may feel uncomfortable and uneasy. This is because everyone wants to use the pool as much as you. Sometimes, there isn’t even adequate space to move around because of the sheer number of patrons who are present. The picture below is an accurate depiction of your most likely pool experience.

Pool Crowd

Pool Crowd