Photos to Make You Reconsider Cruise Booking

Published on October 30, 2019

How You Imagine Boarding

If you’re planning on being a part of a cruise, you’ve probably thought about sailing the seas, using the pool, enjoying some food, etc. What you may not have given much thought to is the process of boarding the ship. After all, you do have to get past that process before you’re free to enjoy the various activities that interest you. The pictures that many cruise companies use feed into your glowing imagination of an empty boardwalk and an easy entry path.

Family Boarding A Ship

Family Boarding A Ship

How Boarding Really Works

Remember how cruise ships are built to accommodate hundreds, if not thousands of people? Remember how all those people need to board the ship around the same time you do? This obviously means that the boarding process is not smooth sailing, as many of these pictures would lead you to believe. In fact, the experience is more on the unpleasant side as there is quite the line for you to wait in. Remember also that you’re doing this while carrying luggage in a hot and sweaty state.

Cruise Ship Boarding Crowd

Cruise Ship Boarding Crowd