Girl Who Can’t Feel Pain Battles Insurance Company

Published on October 15, 2019

How Her School Copes with Meals

For most children, you put hot food on the plate and send them on their way. That can’t happen with Ashlyn because of her condition. She’d eat scalding-hot food and not blink an eye. Therefore, the teachers have to put ice in her chili and make sure her meals are room temperature before they give it to her. Though it probably doesn’t take much effort, it’s still quite amazing to consider that these people are willing to go the extra mile for her protection.

Ashlyn On Christmas Morning

Ashlyn On Christmas Morning

Can She Go Outside and Play?

Most parents worry about their kids on the playground but imagine how much more difficult it would be if your child couldn’t feel pain. She could fall and break off a tooth and not even know it. Likewise, she could twist her ankle and still run around and play without knowing something bad happened. At school, a teacher’s aide is always within 15 feet of Ashlyn, watching her play and keeping her away from the jungle gym – to Ashlyn’s dismay.

Photo Of A Thumbtack Being Stuck Into A Finger Ashlyn Wouldn't Feel It

Photo Of A Thumbtack Being Stuck Into A Finger Ashlyn Wouldn’t Feel It