Girl Who Can’t Feel Pain Battles Insurance Company

Published on October 15, 2019

Wouldn’t It Be Good Not to Feel Pain

Most people would think that it is a good thing never to feel pain. You could impress your friends with tricks they could never handle. However, that also means you could do significant damage to your body without knowing it. What if you broke your foot, and it healed incorrectly because you never knew it was broken? Pain is your body’s way of saying something isn’t right. Sadly, Ashlyn didn’t have that indicator.

Ashlyn As A 12 Year Old

Ashlyn As A 12 Year Old

Did She Cry a Lot as a Baby

Because she couldn’t feel any pain from birth, people often believe she never cried as a baby. However, she still felt hunger and annoyance with a dirty diaper. Yes, she cried, but it was never from pain. One time, she developed a horrible diaper rash that caused her mother pain, but she never even sniffled. The doctors dismissed that she wasn’t crying and gave her a treatment plan to clear up the rash.

Ashlyn As A Baby Swaddled In Blankets

Ashlyn As A Baby Swaddled In Blankets