Girl Who Can’t Feel Pain Battles Insurance Company

Published on October 15, 2019

What Condition Does She Have

Gabby has a rare disorder that’s called congenital insensitivity to pain. This means that the nerves sensing pain work, but the brain doesn’t recognize it as pain. However, her other senses, including touch and taste, are normal. Another issue for Gabby is that she suffers from anhydrosis. She can’t sweat at all, so it’s a challenge to keep her body at a stable temperature. Therefore, she doesn’t feel that she’s overheated, and she can’t perspire to cool herself.

The Five Senses

The Five Senses

Broken Bones Galore

It’s not easy to live with a child who can’t feel any physical pain. When Gabby first learned to walk, the world opened to new and dangerous things. Every time she took a step, her parents worried that she would fall and break an ankle or sprain something. She has had countless sprained and broken bones. At one time, she also broke her jaw. The issue is that Gabby doesn’t know how badly she is injured. Usually, she might feel some pressure, but that’s not enough to indicate something is very wrong.

X Ray Of A Broken Jaw

X Ray Of A Broken Jaw