Girl Who Can’t Feel Pain Battles Insurance Company

Published on October 15, 2019

Just an Average Teenager

As Gabby grew up, it was easier for her and her parents. She could use her other senses to determine when something was wrong or burning. Therefore, she stopped touching hot things, chewing obsessively, and poking at her eyes. Soon, the goggles could come off, and she could live life normally. Gabby just had to be a little more careful than the other teens. The one good thing here is that she doesn’t let her condition control her life or own her.

Gabby, Age 10

Gabby, Age 10

She’s Funny, Intelligent, and Fun to Be Around

She’s got a lot of friends now, and they all think that she’s hilarious and smart. Gabby gets good grades in school and focuses well in her classes. Her parents believe that she’s a joy to be around because she’s outgoing and personable. This young girl doesn’t let her condition affect her life whenever that’s possible. Plus, she doesn’t focus on what she can’t do or feel. Instead, Gabby is just like any other young teenager.

Gabby As A Teen

Gabby As A Teen