Is This Kid from Mars? Scientists Might Agree that He is…

Published on November 10, 2019

Mars Was Once Wet

It may be hard to imagine today, looking at the dry, red surface, but Mars was once a warm, wet place similar to Earth. Recently evidence has been found that indicates there may still be frozen lakes located underneath the poles. There is also evidence that the northern hemisphere used to be one large ocean, but the water dried up thousands, if not millions, of years ago.

Evidence Suggests There Was Once Liquid Water On The Surface Of Mars

Evidence Suggests There Was Once Liquid Water On The Surface Of Mars

Other Suspected Aliens Have Been Found Before

There have been people to make the same claim in the past as well as remains that have been found. Both of these show evidence of being not entirely human. Some have been dismissed as simple deformations in earlier humans, while others are still unexplained. Whether you choose to believe that these specimens are alien is up to you, but they certainly don’t look human.

The Atacama Mummy Is One Of The Most Famous Alien Examples

The Atacama Mummy Is One Of The Most Famous Alien Examples