Is This Kid from Mars? Scientists Might Agree that He is…

Published on November 10, 2019

Humans Might Be from Mars

This one may seem a bit out there for some people, but there is a theory that humans are originally from Mars. The theory stipulates that as the planet became uninhabitable, we came to Earth as a species to begin again. While no archeological evidence has been found to support this, there are a number of genetic factors that point to humans being from another planet.

Could We Be Aliens

Could We Be Aliens?

What Happened to the Oceans?

You may be wondering what exactly happened to the oceans of Mars from the past. It is a valid question. After all, that is a lot of water to disappear. It would be like all of the water in all of the oceans, lakes, rivers, and glaciers disappearing from Earth. So, how does so much water disappear from an entire planet? The short answer, solar winds. It could have taken up to several hundred thousand years, but the solar winds from the sun eventually depleted Mars’ water supply and atmosphere.

Solar Winds Dried Up Mars

Solar Winds Dried Up Mars