Strange Smell Comes from Home…What it is Will Shock Everyone

Published on October 24, 2019

The Smell Came Back…With Force

Just when the villagers thought that the smell was gone, it came back, and it was even worse than before. So, the neighbors who lived around the home all met, and they knew that they had to do something about the smell coming from the home. They didn’t want to intrude upon the property, so as a group, they decided to contact the local police department. They told the cops that the smell was concerning, and the police thought they knew exactly what it was.

Police In Madagascar

Police In Madagascar

The Police Gather Their Forces

What do you think the police thought was in the house? If you guessed some type of dead, decaying body, you are right. This wouldn’t be totally uncommon, and based on the odor coming from the home, it would make sense. So, before the police officers entered the smelly house, they gathered their forces. They took a couple of the neighbors with them to guide them around, and they brought one of the local medical examiners. Hopefully, it would just be a routine situation.

Ready To Inspect The House

Ready To Inspect The House