Miracle Baby Moses Rescued from Certain Death

Published on November 3, 2019

Bleak Situation

Against all odds, the farmer scooped up the infant child in his arms and was able to make his way back to the top of the hole. The tiny child was covered in sewage and crying as hard as he could. He had just been born a couple of hours prior, with no opportunity to adjust to the harsh world. The old man held the infant in his arms, doing his best to clean him up and calm him down right then and there.

Young Haitian Farmer

Young Haitian Farmer

 What Went Wrong

As it turned out, the pregnant woman who had been there all those hours ago had given birth right over the toilet. Her son fell into the deep hole and was left there, due to her panic and inability to provide for him. The baby was left there all by himself, with slim chances of ever being found or surviving. It was simply due to sheer chance that the old man had been able to hear his faint cries and cared enough to help him.

Haitian Community

Haitian Community