Miracle Baby Moses Rescued from Certain Death

Published on November 3, 2019

Next Steps

 The old man was stuck there in the middle of an outhouse, holding an infant covered in sewage. He was unsure of what to do, and he knew that he could not help the child all by himself. Luckily, there was a local charity that would hopefully be able to save the baby boy. He headed back down the road, rushing to get the boy some medical attention as soon as possible. He knew that the boy was just hanging on for his life.

Haitian Children Carrying Water

Haitian Children Carrying Water

Checked Out

As soon as the old man and the infant arrived at the doctor’s, they could tell that time was of the essence. Infant babies are fragile, and it was a huge shock for the boy to fall into a dark hole as soon as he was born. Not to mention, he was surrounded by sewage and germs. The doctor cleaned him up thoroughly and began to see how the baby’s health was doing. It became clear that the young boy needed some attention.

Doctor Checking Haitian Child

Doctor Checking Haitian Child