Pregnant Woman Bitten by a Snake Late in Her Pregnancy

Published on October 23, 2019

Sometimes, It’s Not a Happy Ending

Though Kamri and Angie both survived the snake bite, as did their unborn children, that wasn’t the case for another woman from Meekatharra, Australia, which is about 771km northeast of Perth. Sanita Martin was only 31 weeks pregnant. She was in her backyard when she was bitten by a snake. On a Monday night, Martin thought she’d sit outside and enjoy the sounds. However, she wasn’t prepared for the snake that bit her.

Sanita Martin

Sanita Martin 

Phoning for Help

Sanita Martin was instantly terrified about what it would do to her and her unborn baby. However, she almost immediately felt woozy from the snake bite. Still, the 27-year-old woman was able to call a relative for help before having seizures. An ambulance from St. John arrived at her home at about 8:45 p.m. Though first responders were prompt, Martin had already gone into cardiac arrest by the time they got there. Find out what happened next!

Australian Ambulance

Australian Ambulance