Pregnant Woman Bitten by a Snake Late in Her Pregnancy

Published on October 23, 2019

The Paramedics Set to Work

As soon as the paramedics arrived on the scene, they knew that Ms. Martin was in significant danger. They weren’t sure what the problem was, but they performed CPR on her to try to help her breathe and keep her body alive. She was rushed to the Meekatharra Hospital. At this time, she was already unconscious, so she couldn’t tell the paramedics what had happened to her. Even if she’d been able to voice the cause, it might not have helped.

Pregnant Woman In Cardiac Arrest

Pregnant Woman In Cardiac Arrest 

It Wasn’t Meant to Be

Poor Sanita Martin was so young and vibrant. She had her whole life ahead of her and was expecting her second child. Her handsome 3-year-old son was an excitable young man who was excited to have a new baby brother or sister. They had both moved to Meekatharra recently so that they could be closer to their relatives. At the time of her death, Martin was living with her mom, who wasn’t home at the time.

Sanita Martin Selfie

Sanita Martin Selfie