Secret Service Tactics You Won’t Believe

Published on October 22, 2019

Ink Library Uses

The ink library is not a tool used to scrutinize anonymous letters deemed as potential threats to the president. There have been both severe and minor situations in which the counterfeit truth was revealed using the library. There are instances where falsified accounting documents were identified. Even a fake baseball signature can be and was captured in the past. This is achieved using a three-stage identification process that can identify just about any ink on any document that could ever be produced.

Ink Sample Authentication

Ink Sample Authentication

Plans for the Library

One of the reasons that the ink library is so effective is the fact that many letters are still written by hand today. However, the world is quickly moving into an all-digital future, and the library needs to adapt as best as possible to remain a feasible tool. To this end, there are plans to make the library a digital tool as well to preserve its relevance and effectiveness. There is no concrete data on how the Secret Service and FBI plan to achieve this feat.

Inside The Ink Library

Inside The Ink Library