Secret Service Tactics You Won’t Believe

Published on October 22, 2019

A Massive Ink Library 

Person’s who write anonymous letters to the president achieve less confidentiality than they believe. This is because of a joint operation by the FBI and the Secret Service. The two organizations have teamed up to create an ink library to which there is no equal. By using this, the organizations gain insight into a host of information surrounding suspicious documentation. This allows agents to thoroughly process handwritten documentation to gain the information they need to take requisite steps to protect the president.

Secret Service Ink Samples

Secret Service Ink Samples

Complexity of the Ink Library 

The ink library compiled by the Secret Service and the FBI is nothing short of incredible, which is why it has no equal. There have been numerous different inks that have been produced by many different entities over the years. The library has just about every sample that has ever existed since the 1920s. To prevent obsolesce, the library is constantly refined and improved in both contents and techniques. If this were not done, the ink library might lose its effectiveness over time.

Secret Service Ink Testing

Secret Service Ink Testing