One Black and One White Twins – What Do They Look Like 18 Years Later?

Published on October 22, 2019

How Was It Possible?

Biracial twins are a possibility, though quite rare. It happens when the parents are two different races and ethnicities. For example, Vince was Caucasian and may have had ties to the Irish. Donna, on the other hand, was half white and half Jamaican. Therefore, it makes complete sense that all of their children would be a mixed skin tone. The difference with the twins is that they had different skin colors and didn’t look the same.

Lucy And Maria Standing Side By Side

Lucy And Maria Standing Side By Side 

The Science Behind Biracial Twins

There are two types of twins, including non-identical and identical. Maria and Lucy were non-identical because each girl was formed from a separate egg while in the womb. In a sense, two different eggs were released at the same time. Two eggs and two sperm led to Donna being pregnant with two babies with different genes. It was just happenstance that each child had a different skin color. However, there was a high probability of this happening. Find out why.

Lucy (Sitting) With Twin Sister Maria

Lucy (Sitting) With Twin Sister Maria