One Black and One White Twins – What Do They Look Like 18 Years Later?

Published on October 22, 2019

Was There a Switched-at-birth Mistake?

Unknowingly, the Aylmers created a biracial set of twins without knowing it. Clearly, color and tone do not show up on an ultrasound, so they couldn’t have known what was going to happen. It wasn’t until the girls were born that they realized something was a bit different. The chances that two parents can create biracial twins are almost one in 500. Read on to find out if the twins were somehow switched at birth.

Vince And Donna The Parents Of Biracial Twins

Vince And Donna The Parents Of Biracial Twins

The Other Children

Remember, Donna and Vince had three other children and were a biracial couple themselves. Chynna, George, and Jordon all had a dark complexion. However, none of them were quite as dark as Maria, and they were all much darker than fair-complexion Lucy. Yes, the question arose as to whether or not the kids were switched at birth, but that wasn’t the case. Instead, it had all to do with science and nothing to do with a hospital mix-up. Continue reading to find out how this could happen.

Maria, Jordan, Chynna, Donna (Mother), George, And Lucy

Maria, Jordan, Chynna, Donna (Mother), George, And Lucy