One Black and One White Twins – What Do They Look Like 18 Years Later?

Published on October 22, 2019

What Are Identical Twins?

Fraternal twins may be more common, but identical twins are quite exciting. It happens when one egg is released, and one sperm fertilizes it. At some point during development, the embryo splits into two parts. These are identical, and each will develop into a baby. Therefore, the babies are completely identical on a genetic level. All of the genes are shared fully, and they will always be the same sex. Often, both babies share the same placenta.

Identical Twin Formation

Identical Twin Formation

The Same, But Also Different

As with most parents of twins, Donna chose to put her girls in matching outfits all the time. It’s part of the twin life. Though it was quite cute, strangers often stared in confusion because the girls looked very different from each other and not at all like the twins they were. Since Lucy had red hair with curls and blue-green eyes, she passed as Irish. Maria, though, had features that resembled those from the Caribbean Islands.

Lucy And Maria Dressed In Matching Clothes

Lucy And Maria Dressed In Matching Clothes