One Black and One White Twins – What Do They Look Like 18 Years Later?

Published on October 22, 2019

Can Biracial Twins be Identical?

Biracial twins are still a new phenomenon right now. However, that doesn’t mean that much is known about them. Most people wonder if biracial twins could ever be identical. Of course, that is impossible because of the different skin tones. Plus, these children are likely to have different eye and hair colors, as well. Technically, biracial twins will always be fraternal. This means they could look completely different and be of opposite sexes.

Identical Vs. Fraternal Twins Chart

Identical Vs. Fraternal Twins Chart

Developing a Sense of Identity

At about 7-years old, the twins finally decided that they didn’t want to dress the same anymore. They knew that they were twins but didn’t like the idea of wearing the exact same thing if they didn’t look alike. Of course, they’d get stared at all the time because strangers and schoolmates didn’t understand. It’s not uncommon for twins to stop doing everything the same as they get older. Establishing their own identities was the start, but it had a variety of challenges, too.

Lucy And Maria With Their Mother On Their Birthday

Lucy And Maria With Their Mother On Their Birthday