One Black and One White Twins – What Do They Look Like 18 Years Later?

Published on October 22, 2019

Did They Fight with Each Other Often?

Of course, siblings are going to argue and fight, so yes, Lucy and Maria had their fair share of issues. However, Lucy would always stay away from strangers, while Maria usually had the confidence to walk up to people and start a conversation. The twins weren’t the closest when they were younger because of those differences. However, that did change as they got older and learned how unique they were. Read on to see how they are doing today.

Lucy And Maria As Toddlers

Lucy And Maria As Toddlers

They Had Personal Issues to Work Through

Maria and Lucy had things that they didn’t like about themselves. For example, Maria didn’t want her curly hair and would cry about it. Lucy wasn’t satisfied with her pale skin because the other school children would tease her and call her a ghost. Plus, the kids would say she had been adopted into her family. These things made the girls feel self-conscious about themselves, their looks, and their heritage.

Maria And Lucy Hugging As Children

Maria And Lucy Hugging As Children