One Black and One White Twins – What Do They Look Like 18 Years Later?

Published on October 22, 2019

Challenges that Parents of Biracial Twins Might Face

Since people are likely to question the validity of the child, most mothers are looked at as having multiple sexual partners. Even the father could be ridiculed if this happens. People might accuse the mother of cheating, which is very emotional for everyone. Often, other parents and children might make fun of the child with a different skin tone. It’s not uncommon for these families to be called racial-slur names.

Biracial Twins With Their Parents

Biracial Twins With Their Parents

How They Felt

Both of the girls felt like they weren’t normal or part of their family, which was not true. Their parents loved them both, as well as their older children. Lucy often reasoned with herself, claiming that she got the pale skin from her grandmother. Her hair was quite curly, as well, though it wasn’t in tight ringlets like Maria’s. Therefore, she started to straighten it when she got older so that it would look a little more tamed and less wild.

Lucy And Maria At The Toddler Table

Lucy And Maria At The Toddler Table